

“DOWN is UP.” Downsizing your life, your possessions, your material goods is an upgrade to life. As Tyler Durden says, “your stuff owns you”! What would George Carlin say? Tiny living is a “smaller version of your stuff”! Like going on vacation, but let’s call this a permanent vacation of the best kind.


This blog will go down in my permanent record for my tiny house PROject. Antique-y looking from the start, maybe one day my tiny house will BE an antique and this will be it’s provenance.

3 Responses to About

  1. JR says:

    Hi .. I am Susan’s friend JR and I have been following your great project almost daily .. and I must say WOW I am VERY impressed and CONGRATULATIONS on you success so far…. I was worried in the beginning but now no worries now as I see completion in the near future .. Cannot wait to see the final outcome. If there are any question or if I may help in anyway please let me know…

    Best Regards

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